The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is a book by Marie Kondo, a Japanese cleaning consultant. When Greg bought the book, I have to admit I read the tittle and thought “Your life is going to change just because you’ve organized your space? Cheesy!”
Greg read the whole book in an afternoon and immediately after, organized his closet and office. He said “I would like for you to read this book, let me know what you think”, by the time I finished reading the book Greg had also organized the garage. I am really loving the new and improved v2016 Greg 🙂
You’ll have to read the book to get all excited about hours on end of organizing. It took me a few days to start reading it. The beginning was a bit repetitive, but necessary for the message to sink into my head, in the middle of the book I started to understand why all the organizing steps may be important to follow if you want this decluttering and organizing endeavor to succeed, by the end of the book I could not wait to start organizing.
I started with the office, disregarding her very first advice to start with your closet. She was right and I was wrong! It took me three 14 hour days, to get the office organized about 15 trash bags (33 gal.) went out of the office, not to mention the full load of donations that could barely fit in the Xterra. If Greg had not already organized his closet and office and remained organized for a couple of weeks, I would probably have given up. My closet was a piece of cake to organize and the bathroom a walk in the park. With Marie Kondo’s method, organizing and decluttering becomes addictive. The only part that still remains “messy” is the kitchen. Well the kitchen is a whole new story, I probably have every kitchen gadget ever created, so I am waiting a few days before I try to organize that jungle.
Now that the majority of the house is organized and everything has it’s place, it is a lot easier to keep it all organized and most of all; there is a lightness about being in an organized space that really is: life changing! Totally worth it.