My best friend Ira had a baby, a cute, sweet little baby boy. This is a moment we’ve been dreaming of. To have a baby that is all ours (I know he is not really mine, but he is almost mine). We can finally do our marathon photography session and take all the pictures we want to. We have a ton of props, a gazillion baskets, any wrap color you can imagine, all sorts of cute little baby hats…
There is only one problem: This sweet, adorable, little baby did not want anything to do with pictures, he likes to be awake. Yep he barely sleeps. We tried every trick we know, and yet Ilai did not fall asleep, he eats, he burps, he poops and he pees but falling asleep is not on his schedule. We had three photoshoot days and for the most part we got a 10 minute nap. I still loved every minute I spent with him. Here are some images from our little photo safari.